Huge Warehouse Clear-out! Discounts all over the site.


When selecting outdoor gear for kids

A great general rule is to pick hardwearing materials and our range of kids' outdoor gear is specifically designed for active youths.

For younger children who want to get outdoors, playsuits and splashsuits are ideal. Once your child is wrapped up warm and dry in a one piece suit and wellies, you can let them splash about in puddles to their hearts' content.

You'll find everything in the kids' section to make sure you can take your child with you on any adventure - out for a stroll in the country or up a mountain and skiing!

11 of 11 Items
  • Sale
    Manbi Glove Saver Manbi Glove Saver

    Manbi Glove Saver

    Reduced to clear - don't miss out on over 70% off! Designed to be attached to knitted gloves (or any that do not have an attachment loop or D ring on the gloves) these really simple and ingenious Manbi Glove Savers are the perfect way of saving your...

    RRP: £5.50
    Was: £4.75
    Now: £0.99
  • Sale
    Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket

    Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket

    Only a few left - don't miss out on 60% off! Mums and Dads, if you're looking for the perfect jacket to keep your little ones warm and dry during the school run and beyond, the Jack Wolfskin Kid's Iceland 3in1 Jacket is your ultimate solution. This...

    RRP: £95.00
    Was: £69.95
    Now: £28.99
  • Sale
    Manbi Kids Microfleece Zip Magenta Manbi Kids Microfleece Zip

    Manbi Kid's Microfleece Jacket

    Reduced to clear - don't miss out on over 75% off! The Kid's Microfleece, from Manbi, is a super soft, lightweight fleece with an anti-pill finish, which means no annoying balls of fluff! It's extended zip neck collar and stretch cuffs keep you protected...

    RRP: £18.99
    Was: £10.50
    Now: £3.99
  • Sale
    Manbi Junior Cotton Roll Neck Manbi Junior Cotton Roll Neck

    Manbi Kid's Junior Cotton Roll Neck

    Reduced to clear - over 70% off! The Kids Cotton roll neck from Manbi is great value for money and ideal as part of a layering system. Long sleeves and a collar provide warmth and insulation in the cold. Elasticated cuffs mean a better fit and result in...

    RRP: £15.00
    Was: £13.00
    Now: £3.99
  • Sale
    Dare2b Precede Beanie

    Dare 2b Kid's Precede Beanie Hat

    Reduced to clear - 70% off! The Kids Precede Beanie, from Dare 2b, is a bright and fun fleece lined knitted styled hat that will keep your child's head warm on a cold day!   Acrylic knit Fleece lining Tassle detail

    RRP: £14.99
    Was: £10.75
    Now: £2.99
  • Sale
    Buff Bucket Kids Hat Buff Bucket Kids Hat Buff Bucket Kids Hat Buff Bucket Kids Hat

    Buff Bucket Kid's Hat

    Last few left - don't miss out on over 65% off! This classic Buff Bucket Hat Junior is a lightweight hat which is both water repellent and offers fantastic sun protection making it a perfect hat to keep your little one protected while enjoying the...

    RRP: £20.50
    Was: £14.20
    Now: £6.99
  • Sale
    Craghoppers Kids Mull Jacket

    Craghoppers Kid's Mull Jacket

    Reduced to clear - over 55% off! With its longer length, this compressible padded Craghoppers Girls Mull Jacket is lightweight yet warm making it ideal for this winter! This Craghoppers kids jacket has an attractive baffled puffer style water resistant...

    RRP: £60.00
    Was: £45.00
    Now: £19.99
  • Sale
    Craghoppers Kids Cairney Jacket Craghoppers Kids Cairney Jacket

    Craghoppers Kid's Girls Cairney Jacket

    Reduced to clear - over 60% off! With a highly waterproof, windproof and breathable outer and a lovely snuggly fleece lining, this Craghoppers Girls Cairney Jacket is ideal for keeping your little one warm this winter! The AquaDry outer with water...

    RRP: £70.00
    Was: £44.57
    Now: £19.99
  • Sale
    Jack-Wolfskin Rainy Day Girls Midnight Blue Jack-Wolfskin Rainy Day Girls

    Jack Wolfskin Kid's Rainy Day Girls Jacket

    Reduced to clear - over 65% off! This contrasting and lightweight Jack Wolfskin Kids Rainy Days Jacket is waterproof, windproof and breathable making it ideal for keeping your little one dry and comfortable on a rainy day! This simply styled yet...

    RRP: £75.00
    Was: £50.00
    Now: £14.99
  • Sale
    Dare2b Head Down Beanie

    Dare 2b Kid's Head Down Beanie Hat

    Reduced to clear - over 70% off! The Kids Head Down Beanie, from Dare 2b, is a cheeky little fleece lined knitted styled hat that will keep your little one's head and ears warm while they are outdoors on a chilly day!   Acrylic knit Fleece...

    RRP: £14.99
    Was: £9.57
    Now: £3.99
  • Sale
    Marmot Girl''s PreCip Eco Jacket Marmot Girl''s PreCip Eco Jacket Marmot Girl''s PreCip Eco Jacket Marmot Girl''s PreCip Eco Jacket Marmot Girl''s PreCip Eco Jacket

    Marmot Kid's Girls PreCip Eco Jacket

    Reduced to clear - over 55% off! Meet the environmentally conscious, cool-colorblocked, and high-performing next-generation rain jacket for the next generation of adventurers: the lightweight Marmot Girl's PreClip Eco Rain Jacket. The...

    RRP: £70.00
    Was: £60.00
    Now: £23.99
11 of 11 Items