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When choosing outdoor gear for women

We consider style as well as functionality. If you're out rambling in the country, or on a mountain expedition, you will need comfortable, hardwearing clothes to cope with the elements... but you will look good too!

Think about what the conditions will be like... do you need to wear thermal layers and fleeces? Or a light T-shirt, shorts and sunglasses?

We have a range of waterproof jackets perfect for casual use when shopping in town, or technical jackets for hiking through torrential rain! You may find it useful to look at our Waterproofs Guide to help you choose.

However adventurous the expedition and whatever the weather decides to do, you will find the combination of clothing here to tailor your kit to the conditions.

  • Sale
    Jack Wolfskin Women's Rollstone OC Hoody Jack Wolfskin Women's Rollstone OC Hoody Jack Wolfskin Women's Rollstone OC Hoody

    Jack Wolfskin Women's Rollstone OC Hoody - size XS

    The Rollstone OC Hoody, from Jack Wolfskin, is a vibrant mid-weight hoody that can be worn on its own or as part of layering. Made with soft organic cotton and smooth lining offering comfort and breathability, discrete Kangaroo pocket at the front to...

    RRP: £65.00
    Was: £41.21
    Now: £18.99
  • Sale
    Marmot W PreCip Eco Jacket Marmot W PreCip Eco Jacket

    Marmot Women's PreCip Eco Jacket

    Only 2 left - don't miss out on over 60% off! On the 20th anniversary of Marmot's best-selling PreCip Rain Jacket, meet the environmentally conscious and high-performing next generation: the Marmot Women's PreCip Eco Jacket.The waterproof/breathable,...

    RRP: £120.00
    Was: £99.99
    Now: £34.99